Spanish levels
All Spanish levels at our school are based on the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale.

Certifies sufficient linguistic competence to:
Understand and use everyday expressions of very frequent use anywhere in the Spanish-speaking world to satisfy immediate needs.
Ask for and give basic personal information about oneself and one's daily life.
Interact in a basic way with speakers, provided they speak slowly and clearly and are willing to cooperate.

Certifies the linguistic competence to:
Understand and use frequently used everyday expressions, almost always related to areas of experience that are particularly relevant to them due to their immediacy (basic information about themselves and their family, shopping and places of interest, occupations, etc.).
Carry out simple and direct communicative exchanges on familiar or routine matters and to describe in simple terms aspects of their past and their environment.
Satisfy questions related to their immediate needs.

Certifies the ability of the language user to:
Understand the main points of oral and written texts in standardized varieties of the language and which are not excessively localized, provided they deal with familiar matters, whether these are related to work, study or daily life.
Get by in most of the situations and contexts in which these areas of use are found.
Produce simple and coherent texts on familiar topics or those of personal interest, such as the description of experiences, events, desires, plans and aspirations or the expression of opinions.

Certifies the ability of the language user to:
Understand the gist of complex oral and written texts, even if they deal with abstract topics, are presented in several varieties of Spanish or are of a technical nature, mainly if they deal with areas of specialized knowledge to which he/she has had access.
Interact with all types of speakers with a sufficient degree of fluency and naturalness, so that communication does not involve any effort on the part of any interlocutor.
Produce clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects, including those involving dialectical analysis, debate or defense of a point of view.

Certifies the language user's ability to:
Manage with ease when processing a wide variety of oral and written texts of a certain length in any variant of the language, recognizing even in them implicit meanings, attitudes or intentions.
Express themselves fluently, spontaneously and without apparent effort.
Always find the appropriate expression for the situation and the context, whether it is in the social, work or academic environment.
Use language flexibly and effectively, demonstrating a correct use in the elaboration of complex texts and in the use of the mechanisms of organization and cohesion that allow them to be articulated.

Certifies the linguistic competence necessary to:
Manage in any situation in which it is necessary to understand practically everything that is heard or read, regardless of the length of the texts, their complexity or degree of abstraction, the degree of familiarity with the topics they deal with, the variety of language they use or the need to make inferences or other operations to know their content.
Express themselves spontaneously with great fluency and enormous semantic and grammatical precision, which makes it possible to differentiate shades of meaning even in academic and work environments with a high degree of specialization and complexity.